Friday, October 2, 2009

½ Tank #5

We set out from Hamilton a little later than we planned, but all has worked out okay. Our plan had been to drive on some backroads to Yellowstone, hang out there, then drive through the Tetons to Jackson Hole. The trip ended up taking us a lot longer that we thought it would, so we didn’t end up having enough time to visit Yellowstone yet.

Instead we spent most of the day driving along some of the most beautiful highways. I love Montana. Seriously. If it weren’t so cold, I might consider moving here. Hey, I’d consider it anyways. It’s THAT gorgeous. The Rockies finally looked impressive to us, and the Tetons were spectacular.

We ended up seeing a lot of teensy little towns that I can’t imagine living in. I think I’d get really bored. We stopped in a couple of the towns for bathroom breaks and food, and both places were pretty cute. The first stop was Wisdom, MT where we ate at a recommended restaurant, Fetty’s. The food was great, and we got to place pins in their map to show where we were from. Hannah represented Orcas, and since there were a lot of pins in Bellingham already, I placed a mark for Vancouver (Wash. for those of you who don’t know me very well). Our next stop was to a little town where we stopped to bano and got directions toward Yellowstone.

Since I decided to name this blog “Hilarious Meandering,” I feel I need to share more of our humorous stories. So I have a few to share this time around. For starters, my mom (hi, mom) sent me some air fresheners before I left, and the scent name is “sparkling breeze.” How a breeze sparkles, and what the ensuing smell is, I don’t know, but the scent would have been okay if it weren’t so strong. Still, it’s better than the smell of stuffy car, so we kept it up. Well, the other day when we first drove into Montana, I rolled down my window (for reasons I won’t share) and discovered that it smelled like sparkling breeze outside. No joke. I told Hannah and she checked and confirmed. We couldn’t believe it. It was hysterical. Although, we have since decided that what we smelled was probably just the wind kicking up the air freshener scent. But still, pretty funny at first.

A couple more funny tales from today... On the way from Ennis, MT to Yellowstone, Hannah was kind enough to point out a pair of antelope, since I didn’t know what they looked like. I gawked and thought it was so cool seeing wildlife right on the side of the road. As I stared, my wonder turned to shock when one mounted the other and the started going at it. Yup. They did. We couldn’t stop laughing.

Then later I was on the phone with the hostel in Teton Village we’re staying at, and mentioned that we were driving from Yellowstone to Jackson Hole. She told me to have a safe drive, and me, without thinking, said, “You too.” I then followed that up with, “Or, whatever, you know.” Luckily the girl was nice and laughed and said she knew what I meant. :) Thank goodness for people with a sense of humor. If you don’t have, you should get one. They make others not feel quite as dumb as they are.

God bless, over and out.


  1. two are packing in a lot of experiences!
    btw/pearl jam was awsome!

  2. Yellowstone!! I'm SO excited for you!! You'll love it!! I wish you could read this comment before going, cuz there's this AMAZING burger place near morning glory hot spring if you happen to be in the area. after visiting morning glory when i was last there, we were really hungry and so we stopped at this burger place where i still swear i experienced the best burger i've ever eaten (although the fact that i was starving and the burger was cooked by a very cute guy may have had something to do with my judgment... lol) anyways... i hope and pray that you see A LOT of awesome wild life and have many crazy experiences while there! Post lots of pics!! I'm so happy that you guys are able to have this experience!!
    love ya,

  3. oh, i have some questions for you... about cell phones... what are your rules for those? is casual calling allowed? should i wait for you to call me? can i text? is no calling allowed? etc...?

